Monday, August 17, 2009

stupid holidaee...

i just fin my one week-sort-of holidae .The main reason i called it holiday becoz we dont have any medical-related class..but stupidly faculty juz unable to adjust the timetable properly that we got and must attend generic and complementary class..which is from monday to thursday ..urghhh!!if only got no clss long tym already i balik sri aman released my tension..(i miss home,really!!)

okay..this week also specialised to do proposal for research group(me,iqa,ing soon and lily) we are about to kill cats and watch types of flies would come to the carcass..(of course it create a lot of issues with animal lover but sory guy..this is what you called as of ways making thing impossible to possble) Luckily we fin our proposal on tuesday and nothing went wrong ..hahah

during holiday i got nothing to do except bangun tido,mandi go for g n c class and mandi n gudnyt everyone..tido for 12 hours memang syiok..hahaha..especially im getting used to it.well theres nothing to do also maa..

Well,there`s some thing i regret during the holiday..feeling so wasteful lesen but no car to drive a lot of shopping complex but no money to spend for it..mmostly got boyfriend who happpens to have car,money but no time to cari me..because like i said about the timetable earlier..when im free,thats when he busy mcm businessman..couldnt blame him..since he also got a lot of hard time becoz of me..(remember jes dont be so bengkeng and dont buat those puppy sad voice okay!!)..wish i could turn back the time and done something to make things better..(really!!) sorry bie..huhu

nowaday im becoming more cautious of what i say,what i do,and try to behave like not the demand type..the result=im becoming more quiet and quickly end up the conversation trying to fight back my tears..its hard to talk with bitter memory and bitter matter how we try to cheer up the situation,i still remembered the other side of him..which makes me scared to do anything like before..owh god puhlease erase the bad memory of him..i want to be like in 365 days before..where both of us try so hard to win each others heart eventhough we know we belong together..too bad..