Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December BAby..

Joy to the world
The Lord has come..

These two sentences from one mof all time fav xmas song..><, hehe..which i must say berulang-ulang kali terbayang kt palak..well,the rest of the lyric is forgotten..(doe,padah all time fav tek..)..

Oh, 1st thing 1st, dear blog,im sorry i have been ignorant for past 4 months ..well, busy,lazy ,tired or just plain forget to to update you..lemme tell what i have n=been through since August 2010.As you know, im now at my 3rd posting..did i tell you i finish my surgery & medicine posting n now tgh khusyuk embracing O & G..To tell the truth surgery is the most enjoying posting of all.why?no procedures to be completed..I miss the time just go to the ward only for learning purpose.hmmm..Medicine is the toughest of all..acknowledge by all of my friends and seniors.If my tears aint mahal,i cry dy since the last day of EOPME..but thank God,i pass both..(can you believe that??) lagi lah i want to cry because i dont deserve to lulus medicine pun..ignorant,stuff,lazy..plain stupid..)huhu...

Now,i currently struggling to complete watching deliveries and episiotomies.hmm..yes,building rapport is important..ya,fuck off..some staff and student nurse(student jer pun) acting bitching around.Two person perdeliveries? come on..when you can actually see it just like that..its the student nurse yang ,elambak..yet due to bakal jejak langkah,terus dibenarkan banyak2..we?/come on la..when did i ever offend you guys??gimme space ler..