Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MY rOom 321c

MY rO0M 321C

huhu..its the end of july already..when i looked back,there's damn lot of things occurred at July.HAppy Things,life-changing experiences,and most importantly is the start of my new life as university student..well this story is basically on my room lorlzzz..

the first step i took at registeration wasnt a good start actually,i got told to leave twice to change my attire.(no slipper i understand larr..no sandals??be serious la..its not just a sandal..its an expensive evado la)..huhu..then,i got a huge room without a roomate..of course la i grinned bout this..heh,yea yea..i always wanted to have a room for myself..but then,living single in a new place wasnt a good thing also lerr..i have to kemas kan it by myself.aigoo..twice i got running nose because of my room.so wicked room..

Huge room is like its space..boring,,dull..toleh kiri dinding,toleh kanan pun dinding..huhu,though i get to have two cupboard,two study tables but, like i said thats just it..Then,on the 2nd sunday of july,my brother in law brought me to pasar minggu satok..Thats when i saw these cute cactus n real flowers in one sections..WIthout thinking much,i just go there and buy 2 pots of cactus and 3 types of different flowers,.start from that week,i become the frequent client from the makcik there..i dont know why but everytime i added my flower collection,its actually motivated me to be more caring bout my room..I cant wait the next sunday to add another flowers,

.These things teach me one lesson bout my own life..Before this i really not into medicine or specifically biology..why??(its secondary school punyer story larr..)..then,without any motivation i entered this university life as medic student,then,slowly i learned and i found simple real life story of sick peoples actually motivated me to go on,,at least for the moments..Things that we dont like,if we could find little facts that keep our interest at those things..then maybe we could slowly able to like the things.

.like rooms lorr..from nenek kebayan's room to simple lovely puteri`s room..isnt that just keep us going..

my room also getting more and more equipment..i just bought cerek last week,its help me mch during breakfast(thanks sista!!)..hemm,i thinking of getting a hot plate(i dont la the real name but its some kind of electrical stove)..so i can cook..well,do hope that my JPA will enuf for it..hehe,this is getting interesting kan?kan?

my bed,..well since my birthday on this month,i got one HUGE teddy bear(so huge that it takes half of my bed !!) and a puppy doll(ITs nots just a doll.its memory lane!!)..so,my bed is one of my favorite spot at the my room.Now im getting used to sleep hugging both of them..hehe..so i`d like to thank the special person who bemurah hati to give me the patungs..(u know who u are baby..)hehe..

ok,enough with my rooms..till next tym..kui3x

Sunday, July 27, 2008

aieee..dah tua..

Aigoo..im taking a step higher on my age last 20th july biologically..personally,i don`t think that im a 19 years old already,there`s a lot f my wishes,goals that i listed my last birthday are NOT accomplished already.(t_t)..Hence,i have to renew those wishes n goals on my list again..(this is annually done) hehe..but before i`d only tell my friends and those who care to listen to me about my wsh..Now, i wanna tell whole world bout it..

List of JEs`s goals
1.To achieve a good result in my studies(annually renew!!)
2.To become less childish(MAture jes!!)
3.wise-decision making to be improved(i always like this..)

list of jes`s wishes
1.To spend more time with my loved ones (this will be harder by days later)
2.To be more concenstrate in lecture(huhu..no more talking~~)
3.Eat more jes!!..(i love this ..)
4.I want to take driving course!!(can i dad??)

those above juz generally annual year list..usually i have to check my monthly list..(so many list larr)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

DAys in,,DAys out..

huhu...hari hari kin cepat berlalu..rasa cam marek jak nait belon dri labuan ke miri lekak ya balit ke kuching..
terasa jwak cam marek jak jumpa orang tersayang depan mart matriks..hehe,susah juak owh mun orang jauh tok,xpat jumpa selalu.nasib ada pelan Digi..hah,friends n family yang byk membantu hubungan kami berdua..ngeh3x..promote ke.??..by da way,Digi nentok da Uni sim pack..Tym pg UNIMAS arya da booth daknya..harga??ada pelik ckit la..beli no besa rega rm8.50,tapi mun mok tuka plan bagi nok guna Digi yang sediakalaadalh Rm30..pelik ada jak,terus x jadi i mok convert plan..kita pun sayang juak ngan no lama..ne pat beli camya aja ninggal no lain..lagipun,plan Digi tok dkat dalam main kampus aja bha valid,..yalorrr..ini bermakna dekat kolej lot 77 saberkas xpat la guna no uni Digi tok...aieee sedih laa juak..

Mngu minggu orentasi selalu da ja kmkowg dari kolej perubatan lot 77 bertandang g main kampus UNIMAs..da ast time pasal mok ngato PTPTn..emm,buk terasa bodoh sombong dirik eh..duhal lamak tok aku langsung x tauk apa2 pasal bnda alah ya..cita nya camtok,..hari aku bertolak utk mendaftarkan diri ke FAkulti perubatan Unimas,aku dapat surat dari PTPTN,,beserta waran n cek m1500..dalam hati tek rpikir ala,kelak bole apply biaswa la,.hah,kinektok berkareh i mencarik duit k bayar buku2 medic..bukan seratus 2 tapi mok dekat seribu dow..aiee..cne mok ngorek duit sebanyak ya???tym pegi main kampus ariya nak..kedak orang budu jak x tauk apa2..even buka akaun g belum..hah,no pin BSN g terbeli..adush..senang li jak orang nok alert ngan benda2 camtok..atau aku sorang2 jak langsung x peduli bnda tok...terpaksa tunggu bulan 8 pg main kampus..aieee,leceh nar juak..salah dirik mpun..So guys,you all boh rasa dirik beruntung gilak..mun dapat apply bnda2 camya,boh ada terpikir akan dapat bnda bagus g dari ya..LAgipun,those yang apply JPA ka,mun dapat tawaran JPA,kompom PTPTN akan dibatalkan..BEfore tok ada jwak kamek terpikir mok apply yayasan SArawak mpun pinjaman tapi arya dak kawan padah only those who kena rejek by the PTPTN akan diconsider 4 yayasan SArawak mpun loan..dekat dibah tok aku ringkaskan agik pke senang dipaham oleh kitakorang..

1.juz buy the BSN pin no utk pendaftaran PTPTN(iboh lokek..setakat rm 5 jak)
2.Then you all online la 4 PTPTn..laman web saya dah lupak la..(actually,aku g lom on9,ne la aku tauk owh)
3.If you all acedemic lihai la ,apply for biasiswa..eg:JPA,Shell,Petronas..(cari lam laman web masing2..)
4.tapi mun kitak orang rasa ragu2 juak samada dapat x PTPTN(jarang la berlaku),try to apply for another loan
sesapa dekat sarawak n anak sarawak,kitak orang beruntung la..another yayasan negeri ka..

p/s:konpiden jak ngan dirik kitakorang sia..tapi boh konpiden asuk..huhu

Saturday, July 12, 2008


aie..buk jak second week jadi miak universiti..oh by da way,im doing bachelor of medicine at university malaysia sarawak..2 minggu tok penuh ngan orentasi.Orentasi xla bez gilak tapi kira OK la sebab nak,x teruk gilak kena belasah ke apa ka..buat kakak2 LO yang jaga mekowg dekat kolej perubatan lot 77,terima kasih giler giler..kitakowg nang the bez.(aie..kamek x bulak ko!!!)
teringat indah tym awal awal mendaftar..2 kali kena halau n disuruh tukar pakaian..(kantoi li jak x baca buku panduan mendaftar..hehe)..tapi ya lah,malu la jwak..ngeh3x
jumpa banyak orang la jwak..rami owg malaya berenang g sarawak utk belajar..dalam ati heran la jwak,kan?kan?..dekat malaya kan byk uni yang termashyur..mungkin atas sebab2 tertentu nok daknya mpun tauk.ekot gerek ka apa ka??tapi medic Unimas x kurang hebat nya,bukan mok membangga la tapi dah statistik pdah cmya gne la mok polah..hehe..
blaja lagu unimas..berlalak mok belagu alu lagu ya di jadikan persembahan...xda idea lain g ka..aigooo