Friday, August 8, 2008

SMSKIANS TO KMLIANS story is bout me n my kmlians friends.
well,once a friendship started..they would never fade.
with all of smskians yang tercampak at LABUAN MARICULATION COLLEGE..

the story continues..

Apart from geng parang, others smskians got this very strong electrostatic bond between us.why????..well may be because we grew up together as friends..bak kata org tua..rahsia suma lam tangan..haha..a lot of memories we made at labuan..One year full with sweet things.

WAnt to intro all of them,might be a little hard larr(igt aku apa rajin kah)..hehe..well,lets just watch the wonderful memories of us...diz picture taken when we ate at tanjung ketam..yumm..yumm..from left judith,eton,debo n me.. after closing ceremony of emm(i 4got la!!) with the kml dikir barat..speciel appearance-zai n RAmdan..

another pic taken that nite..ramdan as juara..zai men gendang..with bibut,momoy,oja n tini

mintak berkat lok..hehe..this pic taken after smskians gathering(monthly!!) at ujana kewangan(UK). with miza, me, jn8, michelle, momoy, yen n bibut..

during kem jati diri kml..all the smskians here..with kak azimah as one of the faci.. ^_^.. saranghae..

during juniors cricket match at saen labuan..they won!!but we didnt see them play..besar2 suda mereka..

well,another pic that day..the cricket stick(ya ka?)..mak aih..berat giler..with amoy,miza,oja,eton n flora..

GO WHATTTTEVERRRR!!!..presenting CHeerlearder tEAm For whatEVER..SmSKIANs basketball team at kmL..WE woN.!!!Bkan senang ngalah kan miak mca!!hehe..MIZA..I remember that Shoot forever..The Only CheerLEader team uSing BAju KUrung!!SEmangat Ketimuran..haha

Another pic of chearleader team(different DAy..)Note that Debo Wasnt wearing TudUng Ok!!Tuala SApa nda kah ya..hehe..

CONFotmatiON CeremOny OF Smskians(RC)..New name yet same perangai..x berubah-ubah!!presenting Gloria (apa??lupak..sapa tauk anta komen lak..)debra jane FRAnciNE..SAbatini CeleSTine..Michelle Crystal Lourdes..Yen as tini's Gogmother..Jn8 n Me=tukang begambar..

Those were the days when life is still full with laughter with you guys..i miss u guys..haha,now we are walking our paths differently yet if got oppurtunity,we can still refreshe our friendship..hahkz..if got any thing u guys want to add send me a comment ok..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

contribution to friendalitos..

hahakz..yea yea i got the time to write about those important people in my life from secondary to matriculation time..yup,..presenting the parangnianz and geng smsk at kml..


we`re actually consist of 11 people..( many!!)..well its not complete till we`re 11 in a group those days..hehe..Rite now,..em,we left our dearest school(SMSK Lerr..wer else!!) since 2006..its 2 years already kan??..feels like yesterday je..kwang3x..

Rite now..we still in touch with each others..though not frequently..(thanx to frienster!!!hehe)

leMme story a liltle bout them n their new life..guys,drop me a comment if its wrong ok?!!

Our taiko is GOlo,at smsk she kinda perempuan bidayuh terakhir but dont judge book by its cover owh..hik3x..ratu scanning dow..haha rite now she at UNImaS doin bachelor of mechanical engineering..huhu( her eyes probably blinking shiny rite now scan org...)hehe..u rock gurl!!

then come our setiausaha...SEle..she's at F6 now..being unexpected lihai at her school(u go gal!!)..she's very rajin lorr..n lucu also..i mish ur attidude..kwang3x..hope u still like da old u..hehe..go sele g0!!

now the bodygad..Debo!!..based on size la hehe..MZ universe ..kwang3x,.she act tough but it usually us who protect her in the end.aigoo,kuat makan..but very sayur allowed!!hahakz..stay cute gurl..

em,FiQie rite now at UTp doin petro engineering..(Gne asa jd org minyak??)..hehe,since SMsk time she always lihai dow..jeles i..kwang3x..kuat makan juga..hehe,thanx 4 da bizkut n keropok yah!!..emmm i wonder if she got any hensemudes boy there at utp..hahakz..

JAnet..lepeh..naga..ikan gonjeng(juak kah??)..lupak lah..too many nicknames.hahakz..dont play play dow..ratu bersukan geng parang!!hehe,later i tell bout match at another 4 years she gonna ganti puan kamariah lett..haha..hah ambik kau math taib??..hehe,stay mengancam k!!

then,Noor ..hehe now she at melaka with orang tersayang..hehekz..fully charging evryday la nie owh!! very active gurl n big apetite..amplang!!!!!i mish amplang..dont know why la but evrytym i think of her i think of amplang olso...huhu..u owe me amplang 5 bungkus kot??hehe

Next is susanna..olive of parangnianz..skinny,tall...gigi BESAR..wat else?..owh,dont pandang rendah..she's strong u bridgade represntative..Tukang angkat hose..wawa..hah..golo's kamceng in scanning boys(handsome ones lar) perlis..hujung msia tuh...kawen with siamese dont 4get us arr..

then,Tini..gentle..rajin..pembersih..creative..alot to describe bout her..hmmm.,she got love story i envy of..(teach me one day ya!!)..currently at unimas doin biotech..haha,those who want to eat large sayur or buah..go ask her consult..(not Now larr..) still does..aigoo,she stucks at the body of a F3 gurl.izit??boh mohar..stay at ukm doin scence forensics...emm,i wonder we could be partner one day later..after i ter`kill' ppl,i send 2 u lar..hehe

Judith..emm,still honeymoon tym..intake dec of uitm,,very2 kurus..we used to call her tiang etc..pity,till she has to buy vitamin to increase her appetite..result:..emmm,waste money..u should cia me with those money larr..hehe

LAst but not dont know wat am i should write here..guess u all could read bout me in my posts..

Friday, August 1, 2008

how to forget lovey dopey things??

ends of july brings the bad luck to me and my relationship..huhu..when i looked back..july 2008 really bring me an entire lifetime experience..early of july the spark exist between me and by days,little spark turn to love..(is it love what you called it??)..then out of sudden dont know where the the final week of july..things didnt turn out well(so fast...)..i didnt get the chance to solve the mishaps...and the rest is history..when you started a love relationship,then you could call it as 'breaking up'..but,there is no relaionship to start with..we havent got to start anything..aiyohh...bad luck..i wish i have that kind of relationship..well jes..welcome back to the club..

lesson of the story:NEVER ever make a blind important calling!!..huhu,wish he smsed me during that,no more sun eclipse..