Saturday, September 20, 2008

september n me...

hoho..hi guys,,its been long tym i dont write(miss me huh???..hehe)
anyways,life gettin busier here..n i really dont spend much tym surfing the internet ..
i prefer choosing my petite-comfy bed to sleep instead of facing the laptop..(dreams seem much better nowadays..^_^)
august did turned up good this year(way too good larr!!!ngeh3x)..why?im celebrating independent day at the main campus as i joined perarakan there(penat gilerrr berjalan...panas g ya!!!)but,hehe,who knows i counted the coming of 31st august with someone that i cherished..(sapa ya????..shhhhsss diam jak mun tauk k!!hehe)..

september meh??? far thing goin smoothly..
i juzt got my 1st end of block(eOB) result..thnx God i pass it..hehe,..n i want to thnx friends who helped alot larr kan..(u really terharu niiii.....)together we face the challenges here..

talking bout friends..i really thankful that i got roomate after all..she happens to be the bezt roomate i ever got..we did alot of things together..washing clothes,cleaning our room n cooking everytym we get hungry(OFTENLy.....) talking bout cooking,i gain alot of new skills from her..n i never thought cooking tom yam would be very addicted things to do..hahaha(its my favourite dish of course..!!) yummy2_

so by time goes on i thnk life here goin to be very an entire lifetym experience..n i think ,im ready for it...till next tym thennn

1 comment:

ejaunimap said...

uit..nennga juak ko kta aku.. nyuroh tlis k bi ha3x.. sja jak.. he3x
windu la mun ngga gmba ya suma..hu3x..
special one spa??
x boleh bebulak ngan aku koh..
aku ada trhidu suatu...