Tuesday, December 8, 2009

piknik n reunion~

last khamis amoy ajak g piknik,well agak 2-3 juak tym pikir but i juz grab the oppurtunity to say yes(wat???byk nota bertimbun deng~)..why?ntah la,jes juz perlukan fresh air jak kot..staying in the room n no fun is worst day ever..i couldnt stand myself that tym oso..haha..n im pathetically terribly MISS him!! yes him...he who far away ..urghh..now i hate Disember..trust me,this is the first time ever i miss a living person like this..when the sun start to set dy,thats when tarchycardia occurs!yes,without definite reason..hand will be shaky n sweating..and tears tend to get shed very fast only by thinking of him..woowww..yes,he who are 1st to be able to strike a symphathetic response inside my body without any touching only by memory inside cerebral cortex..huhuhu...

n another part is the free food..actually its only me jer tak make food..hee..well,i dont even bring anything except my tammy..n to the end of picnic i so envy with those yang berenang..i became photographer jer..i know..hurts..haha..but michelle did brings my all time fav the sambal pedas!!i lurve it since smsk time..that time just mencubit jer while she offer,at matrix its become our rutin food..getting diarhea together..hahaa..wat a memories

well lets just see the pic ok..hehe..n last i balik awal becoz of guilty concious of not studying..damn patho tutorial..see,dring the sesiion,i only gven to say not more that 15 words jer..

heee..eh,maka mok cta part picnic..this picnic is somekind of small reunion to be exact only 13 ppl jer datang..others xpat dtg becoz to early(11pg pun too early kaa??)..and i get so excited..jumpa old friends which some i havent see them since the last day of taking SPM result!!..n obviously part of my joys is becoz i get to see michelle.my best buddy at matrix..its true we hardly talk during SMSK but hey im grateful still be gven to know her at matrix and puf!!we become best buddy!!..heee

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