Friday, January 29, 2010

♥ When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. LIVE YOUR LIFE so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. ♥ :)

i found this at my fb frens post..yup,it did touch my heart way deep inside.But then,i still wondering that to live my live the way that i like is wat ar?.Yes if you ask me 2 years ago what i want in my life ,it will be simple life with enough money to earn...I even think to start working and not going to university..Back then,i think money played big roles and if i got money i'd be able to help my family and buy what i the satisfaction of geting own money..

2 years later,here i am..a medical student with own elauns.Until now i am very grateful of what i achieved today..yes,i really like to admit that i am overachiever of what i want.This live is way more high n once upon time,i dont dare to dream i can live my life this way..Yes,it suck to study but i loved how i can insert many things that i really like to, be able to be more superior than others.

I hopefully want to graduate from here and then help peoples.There will be always connection between me and the sick people..Since i am 20 years old and i see alot of death surround me..that kinda influence me of what i am today..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

negativity slope of the result.. prestasi kin menurun..KENAK???????bulak l mun pdah x blaja..i suppose to do distraction last tym since my love balik sibu for cuti..tetiba hati terasa pedih yang amat sangat..yah..i lost to my rumet..1st time ever i lost to my rumet..n i afraid it will be always like this later..NNOOOOOO!!!i cant let this happen..Gootta find ways to fixed myself back up!!!blaja lg la can do it..this is your can do it!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


facebooking aint my main interest more to READINGGGGG~~!!..gosh,everytime on9 go to my fav website to read..YUp,it is not books that i read(well sometime if got sources i do read books..hee) I read the freelancer novelists short story..there is a lot of those websites that offers these online reading things...but now im stick to WATTPAD..there's a lot of teenager who is so want to kill themselves by imagining themselves become slaves to vampires!!i know..its sound stupid of them but hey they sumtime wrote very nice..i used to go to mills and boon befoe but eventually i read all the story avaiable there so..hemmm haha..yeah i know im freaking geek now..haha..but i love it..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


i just got letter from AGENSI KUTIPAN HUTANG telling me that i have MYR 226.20 to pay yet with FUCKING Telekom...urghhh..this is the second warning dy n my stupid ex stepmother NEVA eva have the gut to give those letter..I nearly bankrupt cant they see that!???

urgh...esok im goin to pay the hutang..the hutang that i initially NEVA use pun..urgh..unefficient Telekom will always unefficient

Monday, January 25, 2010


If I fell off tomorrow would you still love me?
If I didn't smell so good would you still hug me?
If I got locked up and sentenced to a quarter century,
Could I count on you to be there to support me mentally?
If I went back to a Wira from a Mercedes 3 series, would you poof and disappear like
some of my friends?
If I was hit and I was hurt would you be by my side?
If it was time to put in work would you be down to ride?

If I ain't become manager 'cause I flipped burgers at Burger King
would you be ashamed to tell your friends you feelin' me?
In the bed if I used my tongue would you like that?
If I wrote you a love letter would you write back?
Now we can have a lil' drink you know a nightcap
And we could go do what you like, I know you like that

Now would you leave me if you're father found out I was nuthin?
Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one I'm loving?
Are you mad 'cause I'm asking you questions?
Are you my soulmate? 'Cause if so, girl you a blessing
Do you trust me enough, to tell me your dreams?

If I was down would you say things to make me smile?
I treat you how you want to be treated just teach me how
If I was with some other chick and someone happened to see?
And when you asked me about it I said it wasn't me
Would you believe me? Or up and leave me?
How deep is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone?
We're only humans girl we make mistakes, to make it up I do whatever it take
I love you like a fat kid loves cake
You know my style I say anything to make you smile

If its you who sing it..hell yeah i waannaaa lurve you owez!!!

Mr LO looking for Miss VE mok jd tok?merata-rata org breakup nowadays..guys,cant you wait after valentine day is over?hee..but hey,usually i dont bother by not the type the one who digs ppl secrets..ppl want to tell i listen but if you dont wanna tell im ok..hee.

Mr saboru,i miss u so much..muah3x..
I promise we stay strong together..hehe
I love...YOUUUUU