Tuesday, April 27, 2010

end of 2nd year..

today is Tuesday 27th aptril 2010

yup,my second year is goin to finish another 2 days more..woohooo~~, looking back,i think proffesional exam is quite easy(since im passing it anyway) ..quite busy with research..seriously..hoho..and we just finish our oral presentation and our poster would be judged on Thursday later..after that..astalavista..adios my second year..haha

Money..money..money..Where on earth am i going to get them without sooo much effort..Books..All cost nearly Rm1000 for my 3rd year first 2 postings ..car..clothes..hoho..Saboru would always said he might dont have time for me next sem onward..but its me actually would probably 'abandon' him..hehe..seriously..haha..

I think balik rumah later i would try to bersihkan my father's quarter kaw kaw baru i minta Rm600 from my father to buy buku..i know its kolot but if its do makes me fel right,i'll do it..haha..

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