Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Birthday,betrayal and friends...

Haha..im officially and biologically 20 years old now..(gettin old already..huhu).
bak kata sele tersayang.."dah woman da ko jes"..Am i?hahha kinda frustrating nenga ayat ya..huhu..jes x mok tua..g mok jadi kanak2 riang(ya la tek!!)Tapi memandangkan suma padah perange g x berubah pun agak rasa kiciwa..(aei..padah tua salah..padah g kanak2 pun salah..apa ja la ku tok..heee)..as a conclusion nya jes is not a teen girl but not yet a women(cited from britney spears..hahah)
Anyway for those yang wish me thru sms ka,kad ka..verbally wish ka..guys,im so terharu(winkz ^_- )heee...this year kinda received a lot of wishes..mentang2 besdae 20an da..alu suma mok acknowledge ku da tua da..haaaa!!

Pagi besdae i escaped PBL and 2 morning classes to attend JPJ road exam..It was so much fun eventhough i gadoh with charles my instructor because some management problem..dah la byar mahal..Cant believe i become a victim..huh..JPJ there were so good,padah jak ko miak medic alu senang jak danya kasi pass..betapa berkuasanya status seseorang..Im not yet a doctor yet they aalready traet me as one..arigato ne!!

But then..got sms from joannes padah ku terpaksa tulis surat ke noorzaid ntam x datang pbl..I was shocked of my life when i found out my pbl mate betray me and told noorzaid im goin for JPJ exam!!We planned already thruout last week that we just gonna say im sick n i just need to pura2 sakit perut n get mc and give it to him..urghhh!!It wont be a problem if nOOrzaid is the pandai type..But since he is terlamPAu pande until miak medic xda cuti lam hidup daknya unless sakit..apatah agik ngn exam JPJ..But then today this morning Noorzaid told me he wont be here till next week..imagine that..i tulis surat penat2 and he sukati jer do like that..

HUHU..in a nut shell...hmmm..birthday thun tok kind aokay..no matter how penat i was..this is indeed an unique birthday for me..

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