Friday, November 7, 2008

NoVemBEr AttaCkS!!!

waaa...its nov already..
izit im gettin old..waa(Plus lotsa lemak..huhu..!!)
hmmm...wat to tell owh..
its juz the 1st week of nov yet many many MAnnnnyyyyyy things happen.. gettin nO better jugglIng all of these.. me puhleaseeeeeeeee??????????!!!!!!!!!

hehe..Geng parang!!(Attention..)
discussion kita kin hangat!!!(finnally thats are friendster worth for!!!))
hehe..walaupun jauh n jarang jumpa...kita still pat to know each others situation..
n which remind me of our friendship that wouldnt stray away..

wahahaa..somebody going back home this month..(huhu..SO SADDDDD> T_T)
No JEs!!wake cam k??..its not like im not gna see u again..
but cn kah i keep my rinduuu for u......huhu..
hahaha..see here silly Jes goes again..wahaha
kin besar kin congek...
gneY tOk...(sapaa responsible hah?ha?)..

Study..hmmm..kin byk..kin mencabar..
da juak owg x phm akn ke-bz-an kita..(dont Worry..Bkn ktkowg..!!)
kmk diam jak mun owg pdah daknya bz g..tauk ba uni life mpun ..
TAPI.. mun owg ya pdh Kmk x buzy nang bulak Bena la owhhh..
lekak ya ngn muka ngekk g ya pdh daknya bz g..
well fine!!hambik kau sia mun mok gilak buzy tek nak..
tpi tido jak ober nya.klua uak ober..
hish..why berubah all of sudden..JELes kah???

haha..xda lah..kitakowg nok aca tok boh terasa k..
its not u guys..
at least la asa nya mun miak ya x gatal tangan baca blog owg..
rasanya x..nya byk gilak acc tek nak..fster lah myspace la..hi5 la facebk la..
berkawan lah sia.. x gago...

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