Sunday, November 16, 2008

U.... goIn Out WitH Him Again..HAhA...Well, first thiNg come First lemme INFORM that WE DiscUss already Bout What HappEn(ala..yg 10 days Ago ya bHA!!!)..i TRy my VERy Best TO bE A goOd Gurlfwen To HIm...haha..a new azam..ngeh3x

haha..what i felt last 10 days (ala...yg xpat mok jd "REal Me" ya bha..) was not totally right..hehe..For THe fIrst Time Ever I realLy cOUldnt Stand Being aLOne..i miss his calls..i miss his Jokes..i miss his "sekda..sekda..~~"..a lot f thIngs remind Me of Him..alarm cloCk..pIPo,BAM2..ChiBi..The BIlls i kikis hIm..bUT what most remind me tO him is The was bought on the memoreable nite before THings went wroNG..HAHA(i who make thngs wet wrong..)it has the sentimental value..hahha..nyeh3x

Now,I want 2 promise him THat ...

I WoNT lie tO him..

i WonT makE Him Sad.mad..Sakit ati.i just want to make Him happy..

i woNt Leave HIm EVER.......until he himself want mE tO go Out his life..(pleasE DONT!!)

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